Welcome to the world of Authentic Relating!

Build deeper and more meaningful relationships with others and foster a greater sense of connection and understanding in your own life.

What is Authentic Relating

Authentic Relating is a practice of fostering deeper levels of connection and understanding with others.

It's about creating safe and supportive spaces where individuals can be their authentic selves and explore their emotions and thoughts to connect with others on a deeper level.

My workshops and events are designed to help people develop their communication skills, build trust, and deepen their relationships with others.

Through exercises, games, and activities, I help individuals to connect in new and meaningful ways, to develop a greater sense of self-awareness and empathy, and to foster a greater sense of connection and understanding in their lives.

As an authentic relating workshop facilitator, I guide groups of individuals through exercises and activities designed to promote deeper levels of communication and connection.

Together we practice activities that encourage:

  • vulnerability

  • active listening

  • self-expression

  • self inquiry and self awareness

My role is to create a safe and comfortable space for participants to explore their authentic selves, and to provide guidance and support as they navigate through the process of connecting with others in a deeper, more meaningful way.

Authentic Relating Workshops

Examples of my work

Conscious Speed Dating

I’m the co-creator of Conscious Speed Dating event series in Puerto Escondido. The aim of the event is to encourage Puerto’s community to meet and interact in authentic and honest ways.

Themed events

I organise and facilitate themed Authentic Relating with the core the purpose of all events is to create deeper connection to yourself while connecting with others. Scheduled events announced on my Instagram @hello.jel

Bespoke events

If you are running a retreat, a workshop or an event where you are bringing people together and want to encourage them to connect in authentic ways, I’d be happy to build a bespoke programme suited to your needs.

  • Creating a safe space for connection

  • Authenticity is magnetic

  • Discover yourself through play

  • We are in this together